
Privacy policy & Service agreement

Special Tip

Solot Information Technology Jiangsu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Solot") remind you (hereinafter referred to as the "Users") that please read the agreement carefully before signing up the Catches. Behaviors of registration, sign in and use are regarded as accepting all terms and provisions of this agreement. Solot can update this agreement at any time and new terms with immediate effect and users can read in Catches. Users are required to discontinue the service of Catches if not accepting revised terms. Therefore, users are regarded as accepting new terms if continuing the service.

1. Registration

1.1 "Users" refers to the person who registers, signs in and uses Catches service. Users are required to bind a mobile phone number which is non-registered in any products subordinated to Solot or not forbidden by Solot when register a new account of Catches.
1.2 As a mobile app related to the geographic position, users are required to authorize Solot to use the geographical position information. Therefore, Solot can get, public and use the geographical position information once users finished the registration. Users can close the option of geographical position information by themselves.

2. Content

2.1 Solot can change services at any moment and users will receive relative notice.
2.2 Solot provides free services and chargeable services. Users can buy chargeable services through the third party. Solot will provide clear tip before users confirm to pay and buy. Only after finishing payments can users enjoy chargeable services.

3. Privacy

3.1 When you sign up for an account users provide personal details that may be deemed as personal information under the applicable legislation. Solot is acting as the party responsible for users’ personal data. Except in times of regulations and laws need, Solot will not public or reveal users’ information to the third party.
3.2 Users are required to provide necessary information when register or use the service. Real personal information will be required according to relative laws or regulations. Service unable to use or restricted if information is not complete.
3.3 Generally users can review or revise information submitted by them at any moment.

4. Data Storage

4.1 Solot not responsible for data deletion or failed storage in the service.
4.2 Solot can decide the longest storage period of users according to the actual situation and distribute the largest storage space in the server. Users can backup relative data in this service.
4.3 Solot will permanently delete users’ information if users stop or terminate this service. And Solot has no responsibility of returning any data.

5. Risk

5.1 Users understand and agree that Catches is only a platform of sharing, transferring and receiving information and users should take responsibility for all behaviors in their own account, including all contents transferred and thereby consequences. Users should judge the content of Catches and take responsibility of any risk that may be caused. Solot has no responsibility for any loss caused by users. Please feedback to Solot if users found anyone behavior in mistake or worse.
5.2 Users understand and agree that Solot keep the right to change, suspend, terminate or revoke the part or whole content of this service. Users need to undertake the risk.

6. Intellectual property

6.1 Solot processes the intellectual property of contents provided in this service, including but not only pages, characters, pictures, audio, video, charts, etc, except the property of advertisement processed by corresponded advertisers.
6.2 In addition of special announcement, Solot process the copyright, patent right and other intellectual property served for Catches.
6.3 Referred pictures, characters and other signature, product as well as service name (hereinafter referred to as the "Solot Logo") are all belong to Solot. Users should ask Solot for written approval before sharing or deal with Solot Logo or in any other use.
6.4 Intellectual properties mentioned above are protected by the law.

7. Force Majeure and Other Exemptions

7.1 Users understand and agree that any loss of users or the third party cause by risks existed in the service such as force majeure, computer virus, hacker attacks, unstable system, users’ improper operations or any other technology problems has no relationship with Solot.
7.2 Users understand and agree that any loss of users or the third party cause by others’ misleading, fraudulent, threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal information, or even anonymous infringement as well as corresponding effects has no relationship with Solot.
7.3 Users understand and agree that Solot will regularly or irregularly repair or maintenance Catches and interrupt in the reasonable period. Solot will notice in advance and takes no responsibility for any loss.
7.4 According to the law and regulations as well as this agreement, Solot has the right to deal with violations or illegal behaviors but not take them as the obligation or promise. Solot will not promise to find violations or illegal behaviors.
7.5 Users understand and agree that Solot takes no responsibility to the loss caused by the service quality defected as following:
(1) Free services provided by Solot;
(2) Donated products or services by Solot.

8. Modification, Suspend and Termination

8.1 As for the specificity of Internet service, users agree Solot to modify, suspend or terminate part or whole services (including chargeable service). Solot will notice users before above actions and provide equivalent service to offset affected users.
8.2 In case of any following circumstances, Solot has the right to change, suspend or terminate the free service or chargeable service and take no responsibility:
(1) Users refuse to provide real personal information according to the law or regulation, or have no reasonable certification for unanimous information.
(2) Users violate the relative laws or regulations or this agreement.
(3) According to requirements of laws or certain authorities.
(4) As for the safety or other necessary circumstances.

9. Others

9.1 Seriously remind users to notice the exceptions of Solot and restrictions and risk of users.
9.2 The validity and explanation of this agreement and the solution of disputes apply to the law of the People's Republic of China. Solot prefer to negotiate friendly with users if any disputes before submitting to the local People’s Court.
9.3 When any term in this agreement be invalid or unenforceable due to any reason, other terms are still valid and bind upon both parties.
9.4 The right of final explanation belongs to Solot.